
Second Cover: Bolaji Kingdom Series

It’s mid-June and I just found out I’ve got a super flu that their vaccinating for at our borders. Yay, I’m still alive. Boo, it’s been a week and I’m miserable. The second cover to my series arrived and it’s gorgeous! I’d have posted about it earlier except I was *head in toilet* sick so I’m shouting about it now.

This month is the second in my trilogy in three months attempt. Yesterday, despite being sick I completed book one of the series which now goes to edits. I’m still on schedule. Today, I started book two and I hope to finish it and the third before July 30th. They won’t all be edited professionally by then but I’ll be close and ready to release them on the world.

With that in mind, I’m still looking for people who are excited about strong female characters who aren’t afraid of romance and getting their hands dirty. If so, sign up to become a Valmond VIP there’s some great stuff coming your way.


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