Who I am: Hi, my pen name is T.S. Valmond. My alter ego wears glasses, but I don’t. I write science fiction and fantasy stories for the entire family filled with heart and soul.
Why I write: I’m a lifelong reader. I got tired of complaining about there not being enough books with characters I could relate to in settings where I could escape.
What I write: I write stories with strong male and female lead characters in faraway lands doing the extraordinary. I’m also a hopeless romantic, which means there’s always a little bit of romance.
A little about my past: I grew up in Minneapolis, where I attended the University of Minnesota and earned my degree in deaf studies, creative writing, and journalism. I chose the life of a professional sign language interpreter. I still love it, but my body doesn’t, so I write.
The first story I ever wrote: In the fourth grade, my teachers exposed me to a lot of science fiction and fantasy. I was encouraged by my teacher that year to write my first story. It was set in the distant future where an archaeologist finds the forgotten remains of the most powerful book that ever existed – the Bible. My mom read it and got so angry when I left it on a cliffhanger that I’ve been making it up to her ever since.

When do I write: I usually start my writing day at 6:00 in the morning is when I start my writing day. I usually finish around 10 AM. I prefer coffee shops for a change of scene.
My motto: There’s nothing more satisfying than the next good book.
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